Mohammad Ali Deeb Was born in Syria in 1984 and grows up in Jaramana camp in Damascus as Palestinian refugee. He studied dance in Enana Dance Theater in Damascus, one of the best dance academies in the Middle East. He performs as a dancer with Enana Dance Theater in numerous Arab countries at major cultural festivals, including Qatar, Kuwet, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman , Lebanon , Jordan , Algeria and the United Arab Emirates . He worked as a volunteer for 8 years with UNHCR with refugee children as a choreographer and dance teacher. In 2013 he flees to Algeria and becomes a member of the Algerian National Ballet. Eventually, he reached Spain and works with UNHCR children in refugee camps in Melilla.
Since August 2015 he lives in Germany. He has performed in West Side Story and Rocky Horror Show and The Blues Brothers at Saarbrücken Staatstheater and has worked as a freelance choreographer and dance teacher e.g. : the community school Sulzbach, the community school Güdingen, the MartenLutherkingschule Saarlouis, children - youth and family house Saarlouis, Sonneheil school Völklingen. - (In partnership with Platform3 Tanzschule Saarbrücken) plus another theater project like SCHAMS theater group in st.Ingbert as a choreographer.t.
Großherzog-Friedrich-Straße 94 66121 Saarbrücken.